You will need three items from your Mixpanel account in order to connect Polytomic to it:
- Service account username
- Service account secret
- Mixpanel project ID
- Obtain your service account username and secret by logging in to your Mixpanel console and going to Organization settings → Service accounts → Add Service Account:

- Give your service account a name of your choosing (we recommend polytomic), select the projects it should have access to, set Admin roles, and set the account expiration to Never:

- Create the service account and note the username and secret. You will enter them in Polytomic.
- Obtain your Mixpanel project ID by going to the Projects tab and clicking on the Mixpanel project you set the service account for:

- In Polytomic, go to Connections → Add Connection → Mixpanel:

- Enter the items you gathered in the previous steps.
- Click Save.
Updated 8 months ago