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Source and destination

  1. The Marketo configuration requires three values obtained from your Marketo instance:
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Web Service REST Endpoint

The Client ID and Client Secret can be obtained by logging into Marketo and going to AdminIntegrationLaunchpoint then selecting a service and clicking View Details.

Remaining in Marketo, the Web Service REST Endpoint can be obtained by going to AdminIntegrationWeb Services.

  1. In Polytomic, go to ConnectionsAdd ConnectionMarketo.
  2. Enter the Client ID, Client Secret, and Web Services REST API Endpoint in Polytomic's Marketo configuration fields and click Save:

Syncing to Marketo

Use Polytomic's Model Syncs to sync to Marketo from your data warehouses, databases, spreadsheets, APIs, and cloud storage buckets like S3.

Syncing from Marketo

Use Polytomic's Bulk Syncs to sync from Marketo to your data warehouses, databases, and cloud storage buckets like S3.

Use Polytomic's Model Syncs to sync from Marketo to your other SaaS applications.

Daily export limit

Marketo imposes a daily limit of 500MB for data exports. This is especially salient when syncing to your data warehouse. This is the behaviour you can expect if Polytomic encounters this limit:

  • The sync will successfully complete and Polytomic will writes whatever data it managed to export. This may be zero updates if the daily limit has already been hit (in which case updates will automatically resume when the daily limit resets). This means that a resync operation will wipe your tables (as with all resyncs in Polytomic) but not write any data in their place.
  • A warning will be logged in the Warnings column in your Bulk Sync history page, stating that Polytomic has encountered this limit (if using our API, call the Get Bulk Sync Execution Logs endpoint to see the warning text).


Per the above, we recommend adhering to these guidelines as much as possible:

  • Only sync from Marketo once a day.
  • Be selective about the data you export from Marketo; only export what you need.