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CDC replication



CDC replication only for bulk syncs

CDC replication from PostgreSQL is only available for Bulk Syncs.

When bulk-syncing data from PostgreSQL into your data warehouse, it's preferred (though not required) for Polytomic to utilize CDC (change data capture) replication. This will avoid Polytomic running full table scans to figure out changes since the last sync. Rather, Polytomic will be able to capture changes in real-time without scanning your tables.


To enable this, Polytomic requires the following of your PostgreSQL instance:

  • PostgreSQL 10 or later (Polytomic uses the pgoutput plugin).
  • wal_level = logical.
    The PostgreSQL wal_level setting must be set to logical. You can determine the current setting by running this query:
my_database=> show wal_level;
(1 row)
  • Set wal_sender_timeout to five minutes.
  • Available replication slot.
    Polytomic requires a replication slot for each bulk sync; the same slot will be used for all tables synced as part of that bulk sync configuration. The total number of replication slots is set using the max_replication_slots PostgreSQL configuration parameter.

You can inspect current replication slots using the pg_replication_slots system table:

select * from pg_replication_slots;
  • User with the REPLICATION property set.
    The REPLICATION property signals that a PostgreSQL user (role) is able to manage replication slots. Polytomic will use this property to create a replication slot for each bulk sync configured. You can set it with the following query:
  • A Publication for the tables you wish to replicate.
    PostgreSQL uses a Publication to track changes to one or more tables. Only a user with the owner role for a table may add it to the publication. However, after the publication is created, any user with the REPLICATION property may use it.

    You can create a publication for specific tables, or for all tables (including those created in the future). Note that creating a publication for all tables may result in increased storage consumption.

    Your Publication name can be anything; you’ll enter it in Polytomic's PostgreSQL connection configuration.

-- create a publication for specific tables
CREATE PUBLICATION polytomic FOR TABLE <table>, <table>, ...;

-- create a publication for all current and future tables

Set Polytomic to read your logical replication log

Once the previous steps are done, be sure to turn on the Use logical replication for bulk syncs setting and set the publication name in your PostgreSQL connection configuration:

Replication slots

Polytomic's default behaviour is to manage the replication slot for you: it will create a slot when you enable a bulk sync from your PostgreSQL database and remove it when the sync is disabled.

You can manage the slot yourself if you prefer. If you wish to create the slot yourself, you may do so outside of Polytomic then specify the slot name under Advanced Settings in your sync configuration.

The replication slot must be created with the pgoutput plugin:

select pg_create_logical_replication_slot('polytomic', 'pgoutput');

Propagating deletes

Polytomic offers two options for propagating deletes during CDC replication:

  • Soft deletes
  • Hard deletes

By default, Polytomic will propagate deletes from your source as soft-deletes, by marking the __polytomic_deleted_at column for each table with a datetime reflecting deletion time.

You can choose to replace this behaviour by propagating deletes as hard deletes instead. To do so, simply check the Propagate hard deletes instead of soft deletes checkbox in the Advanced settings option at the bottom of your sync configuration: