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Source and destination

Polytomic connects to Outreach using OAuth.

  1. In Polytomic, go to ConnectionsAdd ConnectionOutreach.
  1. Click Connect to Outreach to go through Outreach's OAuth flow.

  2. Click Save.

Syncing from Outreach

All of Outreach's objects (Prospects, Accounts, Sequences, Calls, and so on) are available for syncing to other systems.

Use Bulk Syncs to sync Outreach data to your data warehouse or cloud storage like S3.

Use Model Syncs to sync Outreach data to SaaS applications like Salesforce, Intercom, and others.

Syncing to Outreach

Polytomic supports syncing to these Outreach objects:

  • Accounts
  • Prospects
  • Sequences (i.e. add people to particular sequences)

As with all other Model Syncs, you are able to:

  • Sync to Outreach from any of your systems: data warehouses, databases, SaaS applications, spreadsheets, HTTP APIs, and cloud storage systems like S3, GCS, and Azure Blob Storage.
  • Augment your synced fields with any fields from your enrichment providers (see an overview of this process here).

Add People to Outreach Sequences

You can add people from your systems to any Outreach sequence. The steps do so are below.


Adding people records that don't already exist in Outreach

When using Polytomic to sync people records to Outreach sequences:

  • If the Prospect record does not already exist in Outreach, Polytomic will create it first before adding it to your chosen sequence.
  • If the Prospect record already exists in Ourtreach, Polytomic will update its fields per your field mapping config before adding it to your chosen cadence.

As an example, let's consider this Users Polytomic model from a SQL source:

  1. When setting up a model sync to Outreach, all your sequences will be listed in the Target dropdown. Select the sequence you'd like to sync people to:
  1. You can use any of these Outreach Prospect identity values:
    • Email address
    • Outreach Prospect ID
  1. After setting your identity mapping, you'll be able to map from your Polytomic models to any desired Outreach Prospect fields: