GuidesRecipesAPI ReferenceChangelog
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Release 2025.03.19.03

  • Improved error handling for bulk syncs from Redshift using UNLOAD.

Release 2025.03.19.02

  • Binary values larger than 8MiB could cause bulk syncs to Snowflake to fail.

Release 2025.03.19.01

  • Unloading data from Redshift supports staging buckets with prefixes.
  • Model syncs with transitive joins did not correctly combine SQL queries, resulting in degraded performance.

Release 2025.03.19


Release 2025.03.12.03

  • Added support for using UNLOAD when bulk syncing from Redshift.

Release 2025.03.12.02

  • Redshift Serverless connections could report IAM token expiration during sync exeuction.

Release 2025.03.12.01

  • Enforce strict compatibility for integer types in bulk syncs.

Release 2025.03.12


Release 2025.03.05.07

  • Model syncs with join push-down enabled did not correcly fall back when an error occurred in push-down.
  • Switching destinations for model syncs could leave the UI in a bad state.
  • Adding columns to Azure/MS SQL Server destinations resulted in an error.

Release 2025.03.05.06

  • Fallback to information schema for Redshift tables if SVV_ALL_TABLES is not available.