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Google Ads

Source and Destination

  1. In Polytomic, go to ConnectionsAdd ConnectionGoogle Ads.

  1. Click Connect to Google Ads to connect to Google Ads using OAuth.


Your Google user account must have access to at least one Google Ads account.

  1. If your Google user account has access to your Google Ads accounts, they will show up for you to select:

  1. Select any combination of parent and child Google Ads accounts to give Polytomic access to. All reports will be pulled from selected accounts only.
  2. Click Save.

Syncing from Google Ads

You can use use Polytomic's Bulk Syncs to sync ad and campaign performance reports from Google Ads to your data warehouse, databases, and cloud storage systems.

Lookback period

You can set the lookback period for your Google Ads data by going to Advanced Settings in your bulk sync:

Syncing to Google Ads


User list generation time

When sending user lists to Google Ads, note that it can take 5 to 48 hours for Google Ads to process those changes after Polytomic has sent the data. Your Polytomic sync will remain in the 'Processing' state in the meantime.

You can use Polytomic's Model Syncs to sync the following datasets from any of your systems (data warehouses, databases, CRMs, spreadsheets, or APIs) to Google Ads:

  • Conversion events
  • User lists

If you want Polytomic to create new Google Ads user lists rather than enriching existing ones, simply scroll to the bottom of the Target list in your model sync and select New User List.