Polytomic authenticates to Yotpo using your Yotpo App Key and Secret Key:
- Generate your Yotpo App and Secret keys by following the instructions on Yotpo's documentation page .
- In Polytomic, go to Connections → Add Connection → Yotpo.
- Enter your App Key and Secret from step 1:

- Click Save.
Syncing from Yotpo
Use Bulk Syncs to sync from Yotpo to your data warehouses and cloud storage buckets like S3.
Use Model Syncs to sync from Yotpo to your cloud applications like Salesforce, Zendesk, Intercom, and others.
Collections supported
Polytomic supports syncing the following collections from Yotpo:
- Merchant Reviews
- Questions
- Reviews
- Review Updates
Review Updates is a collection updated from review creation and update events emitted by Yotpo's webhooks. As a result, there is no way to resync all past history as Yotpo's APIs do not supply it.
Given this, Polytomic's Full Resync operation will clear the table's schema and regenerate it, then continue ingesting Yotpo's updates as they come in. All past history will be erased for this collection.
Thus it may be prudent to periodically copy the Review Updates table updated by Polytomic into a separate one, to avoid losing past data due to a resync.
Updated 5 months ago