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Google Analytics (GA4)


Polytomic connects to Google Analytics using one of two methods:

  • OAuth
  • Google service account

Connecting using OAuth

This is the default choice.

  1. In Polytomic, go to ConnectionsAdd ConnectionGoogle Analytics.
  2. Click Connect to Google Analytics to authenticate to Google.
  1. After authentication, select the Google Analytics accounts to expose to Polytomic:
  1. Click Save.

Connecting using a Google service account

If you need to use a Google Service Account, simply do this:

  1. Select Service account as your authentication method.
  2. Upload your service account key:
  1. Select the Google Analytics accounts to expose to Polytomic.
  2. Click Save.

Syncing from Google Analytics

Use Bulk Syncs to sync from Google Analytics to your data warehouses, databases, and cloud storage buckets like S3.

Analytics reports

Polytomic offers over 40 reports to sync from Google Analytics.

Custom reports

You can expose custom reports in Polytomic by entering them in the Custom reports text field. Make sure that each line contains one report in the following format:

report_name:dimension_1, dimension_2, dimension_n

For example, lets say you need Polytomic to expose this custom report for syncing from:


You would enter this line in the Custom reports text field in your Polytomic Google Analytics connection:

Raw events

Google Analytics can only export raw events to Google BigQuery instances, so if you want Polytomic to sync raw events to your non-BigQuery data warehouse, set up a BigQuery instance to receive events from Google Analytics, then connect Polytomic to your BigQuery instance to sync the data into your other warehouses and systems.