Update Connection

If you're connecting to ad systems (e.g. Google Ads) or GitHub, the Connection Parameter Values endpoint documentation is worth perusing.

You can call Update Connection to restrict your connection to a specific list of parameter values (e.g. a specific set of ad accounts or GitHub repositories).

Using the example of Google Ads, your payload to update your connection in order to restrict it to a specific Google Ads account would look like this (note how accounts is the same parameter name as obtained from Connection Parameter Values):

  "configuration": {
    "client_id": "secret.googleusercontent.com",
    "client_secret": "secret",
    "oauth_refresh_token": "token",
    "accounts": [
        "value": "customer.6618989486",
        "label": "Example Google Ad Account (661-898-9486)"
  "name": "Google Ads",
  "type": "googleads"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!